Miguel Rubio
Full-stack Web Developer
La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
miguelantonio.rubio@gmail.comSep 2023
This project is a web application build using NextJs and React to show my resume as a social media platform. It shows my job history and side projects as posts. Has the ability to filter by technologies used or 'tags'. Home page has some random posts fetched from DummyJson along with random images from Picsum Photos. Posts can be liked and commented.
A Wordpress plugin built with React that displays song lyrics on laptop or desktop computers. Wordpress was used as backed as an excercise. The goal of this plugin is to display any text divided into columns as big as possible whitin the viewport. It is intended to display songs lyrics and/or tabs while playing the guitar and avoid having to scroll the page.
A web-based Operating System simulator. Simple login screen with user/password validation. Taskbar with window controls. Start Menu with submenus. Desktop icons. Draggable and resizable windows with Close, Maximize and Minimize buttons implemented. Wallpaper rotation. This was used as my personal resume/portfolio back in 2015.